Celadon Books Acquires Biography by Ian Leslie, JOHN AND PAUL: A LOVE STORY IN 23 SONGS

Celadon Books is proud to announce the acquisition of JOHN AND PAUL: A LOVE STORY IN 23 SONGS by Ian Leslie, the author of books on psychology, creativity, and relationships. JOHN AND PAUL is a revisionist account of John Lennon and Paul McCartney's 23-year relationship that promises to provide new insights into the nature of collaboration and human intimacy. Celadon Books President Jamie Raab acquired the biography at auction, for publication in fall 2024, from Toby Mundy at Aevitas Creative Management UK (NA).

Two compact discs (CDs) with shiny, reflective surfaces are overlapping each other on a white background. The discs display a spectrum of colors due to the light reflection, creating a rainbow-like effect.

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