John O. Brennan

A professional portrait of a senior man in a suit and tie with a neutral background.
Photo Credit: Washington Speakers Bureau

About the Author

John O. Brennan was one of President Obama's most trusted national security advisors during all eight years of the Obama Administration, first as assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism and then as director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Mr. Brennan had previously worked in the CIA from 1980 to 2005, where he specialized in Middle Eastern affairs and counterterrorism and served as President Clinton's daily intelligence briefer. Mr. Brennan received a bachelor's degree in political science from Fordham University in 1977 and a master's degree in government from the University of Texas at Austin in 1980. 

For Press Requests, Please Contact:
Christine Mykityshyn, Director of Publicity

Books by John O. Brennan

The image shows the cover of a book titled "undaunted: my fight against america's enemies, at home and abroad" by john o. brennan, who is noted to be the former director of the cia. the cover features a bold, black background with the emblem of the central intelligence agency (cia) at the bottom, and the text is presented in white and gold colors, indicating a serious and authoritative tone, consistent with the content one might expect from a high-level government official's memoir or account of service.
BY John O. Brennan
Two compact discs (CDs) with shiny, reflective surfaces are overlapping each other on a white background. The discs display a spectrum of colors due to the light reflection, creating a rainbow-like effect.

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