A smiling man with ruffled hair in a black and white portrait, emanating a warm and approachable vibe.

Bill Hamilton

Executive Editor

Bill Hamilton recently joined Celadon after a series of editing jobs at the New York Times and Washington Post, where he specialized in political news and long-form journalism. He hopes to put that experience to use in acquiring books on history and politics that examine critical issues facing the country and the world, while also telling the compelling stories that bring them to life. 

At the Times, Bill was Washington editor during the Obama and Trump administrations, and at the Post he supervised the paper's enterprise coverage – and, at various times, political, national and science news. During his time at the two papers, he edited stories that won four Pulitzer prizes and numerous other awards.

As a reporter, he covered school busing in Boston and what was called “the egghead beat” at the Boston Globe, and as the Los Angeles correspondent for the Post, the O.J. Simpson white Bronco chase and an earthquake.

Bill is a graduate of Harvard, where he majored in American history and literature.

Celadon editors accept manuscript submissions exclusively through agents; they will never ask for payment to be exchanged directly. If you have a question about this process, please see our About Us page or email contact@celadonbooks.com.

Two compact discs (CDs) with shiny, reflective surfaces are overlapping each other on a white background. The discs display a spectrum of colors due to the light reflection, creating a rainbow-like effect.

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