A monochromatic portrait of a smiling woman wearing glasses, a patterned shirt, and a delicate necklace, sitting indoors with blinds in the background.

Emily Radell

Publicity Assistant

Emily Radell (she/her) is a Publicity Assistant for Celadon Books, assisting Senior Publicity Director, Christine Mykityshyn.

Emily graduated from New Mexico State University with a bachelor’s degree in English and a minor in Journalism. Before joining Celadon, she attended NYU’s Summer Publishing Institute and interned with Flatiron Books.

In her free time, Emily enjoys cooking, listening to audiobooks, and visiting local coffee shops in pursuit of the perfect vanilla latte. Some of her favorite non-Celadon books are In The Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado, Beloved by Toni Morrison, and The Poppy War by R. F. Kuang.

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